Tuesday 11 December 2012


1. What is information technology in your mind ?
A Computer
B Internet
C Computer Programme
D Other_____________

2. In future, if you get a opportunity to join an IT company,
A You will join directly.
B If the reward is good, you will join.
C If the job not really busy, you will join.
D Just ignore.

3. In your mind, which one is the key factor for someone can be successful in IT field?
A Family background
B A special opportunity
C Knowledge
D Internet

4. Usually, you would use which kind of media to get information about IT?
A During the class
B Magazine
C Internet
D Other_____________

5. With the IT development .what is the most useful produce for you?
A Online game or Online shopping
B The powerful software .
C Social networks
D Other_____________

Answer the following question.
1. Which aspect of Information technology is your aspire?
2. In your opinion, what is the trend of IT development?

Future of IT

In the Future, We Will Wear the Internet
We all love the movie Matrix and the Holodeck and the question is when will be able to enter a room and create this imaginary scenarios so realistic that it seems as if its really there. It turns out that scientists are making progress in that direction even as we speak .First of all,in the future the internet will be in your contact lens,you will blink and you will go on line,
Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality head-mounted display
you will see individuals and their biography will appear and subtitles will appear if they speak in chineese, so you will always know who you are talking to and what they are saying even if they speak in a different language.If you have internet contact lenses then you can imagine bizzare universes ,just like matrix you can be in an alien environment you can have all sorts of wonderous things take place inside your contact lens but then the trick is what happens if you move? what happens if you touch things ?Well the military has constructed something called Omnidirectional treadmills,it’s a treadmill in any direction.You are surrounded by 360 degree screens showing the image of Bagdad and then as you walk you can walk at any direction and always wind up in the same place but as you move every thing around you move ,the streets of Bagdad change every time you run at any direction the last thing that’s missing is a sense of touch ,that’s where haptic technology comes in.
Haptic technology is the ability  to create  the feel of a virtual reality ,now how does that work?lets say you have a platform with thousands of vertical pins such that when you put your hand on this platform the pins then conform to the fingers cause each pin is governed by  a computer ,therefor if you put your hands on a set of pins you can duplicate any texture that you want so in some sense if you are surrounded by these haptic devices you ll be able to touch objects and think that you are actually touching skin or touching wood or touching metal

and then you have the internet contact lens and then you are surrounded by 360 degree screens with an omnidirectional treadmill you are getting  very  close to the matrix.

From one of Prof. Michio Kaku lectures











In preparation for becoming a developed nation, Malaysia needs more expert’s scientists, technocrats, thinkers, and Nobel Laureate in the future to prepare for the challenges unthinkable by today's society. At the center, students are trained not to increase academic performance alone, they were given various inputs to produce a perfect human being, individual superior academic achievement as well as to use specific knowledge, "technical know-how/expertise" and a variety of experiences available to contribute to the well being and success.




a)      Apply to have a talk in PERMATApintar (approach and seek opinions from them first and brief about our project).
b)      Design a brochure base on the stories of the IT successors and include references some website about IT (brochure will be made as creative as possible for youths).
c)      Interact with the children, be friend with them, create a memorable and enjoyable moment with them.


i.                    We will introduce IT trends in Malaysia and in PERMATApintar.
ii.                  Take some examples about IT genius and share their successful experiences, how they become successful in the area of IT.
iii.                Finally, write a report and collect information from children.
iv.                Designing a website that promote and introduce PERMATApintar.


a)      What is Information Technology and IT trends in Malaysia?
b)      How PERMATApintar UKM establish to train gifted children in the IT fields?
c)      Who are the IT genius and how they become successful in the area of IT?

5.Linus Torvalds

As the creator of the Linux operating system, Linus Torvalds has been a driving force behind the whole open source movement, which represents not only an ever increasing challenge to proprietary software, but is also the inspiration for the industry to move to open standards. Torvalds remains the ultimate authority on what new code is incorporated into the Linux kernel.

4.James Gosling

Of your choice of the most influential people in IT, James Gosling is the true geek. Unlike Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, neither of whom finished college, Gosling completed a PhD in computer science and contributed to software innovation at a technical level. Born in 1955 near Calgary, Canada, Gosling is best known as the father of the Java programming language, the first programme language designed with the internet in mind and which could adapt to highly distributed applications. Gosling received a BSc in computer science from the University of Calgary in 1977, and while working towards his doctorate he created the original version of the Emacs text editor for Unix (Gosmacs). He also built a multi-processor version of Unix, as well as several compilers and mail systems before starting work in the industry.

In 1984, Gosling joined Sun Microsystems, where he is currently chief technology officer in the developer product group. In the early 1990s, Gosling initiated and led a project code-named Green that eventually became Java. Green aimed to develop software that would run on a variety of computing devices without having to be customised for each one. Although much of the technology developed as part of Green never saw the light of day, Gosling realised that some of the underlying principles they had created would be very useful in the internet age.

Sun formally launched Java in 1995. Gosling did the original design of Java and implemented its original compiler and virtual machine. For this achievement he was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering. He has also made major contributions to several other software systems, such as Newa and Gosling Emacs. Although some critics say Java has not lived up to its initial "write-once-run-anywhere" claim, Gosling's success in the Computer Weekly polls is precisely because Java has allowed the creation of robust, reusable code which runs on devices as diverse at mobile phones, PCs and mainframes.

Monday 10 December 2012

3.Bill Gates: mixing maths and money to build Microsoft

As joint founder of the world’s biggest software company, Microsoft, Bill Gates’s approach to technology and business was instrumental in making technology available to the masses. Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955 to a wealthy family: his father was a prominent lawyer and his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate Bank and The United Way.

At school Gates excelled in mathematics and the sciences and by the age of 13 he was deeply engrossed in software programming. With other school mates he began programming and bug fixing for the Computer Center Corporation, and in 1970 Gates formed a venture with fellow school student and Microsoft co-founder, Paul Allen, called Traf-O-Data, to make traffic counters using the Intel 8008 processor.

In 1973, Gates enrolled at Harvard University, where he met future business partner Steve Ballmer. Their first venture was to develop a version of the Basic programming language for the Altair 8800, one of the first microcomputers. Soon afterwards Gates left Harvard to found “Micro-Soft”, which later became Microsoft Corporation, with Allen. Microsoft took off when Gates began licensing his MS-Dos operating systems to manufacturers of IBM PC clones. Its drive to global dominance continued with the development of Windows, its version of the graphical user interface, as an addition to its Dos command line.

By the early 1990s, Windows had driven other Dos-based GUIs like Gem and Geos out of the market. It performed a similar feat with the Office productivity suite. Gates fought hard to establish Micro­soft’s dominant position in the software industry and has fought even harder to defend it. His ability to get Microsoft software pre-installed on most PCs shipped in the world made Microsoft the world’s largest software house and Gates one of the world’s richest men. It also meant Microsoft found itself on the wrong end of anti-trust legislation in both the US and Europe. Gates stood down as chief executive of Microsoft in 2000 to focus on software development and on 16 June 2006, he announced that he would move to a part-time role with Microsoft in 2008 to focus on his philanthropic work. Since 2000, Gates has given away about £15.5bn, a third of his wealth, to charity. Such is his fame in the world outside computing,fictional Gates characters have appeared in cartoons including the Simpsons, South Park and Family Guy.

2.Tim Berners-Lee (father of the web and champion of IT freedom)

Dotcoms, bloggers and Google all have one man to thank for their place in the 21st century world. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee made the imaginative leap to combine the internet with the hypertext concept, and the worldwide web was born. Born in 1955 in London, Berners-Lee’s parents were both mathematicians who were employed together on the team that built the Manchester Mark I, one of the earliest computers. After attending school in London, Berners-Lee went on to study physics at Queen’s College, Oxford, where he built a computer with a soldering iron, TTL gates, an M6800 processor and an old television.

In December 1980, Berners-Lee proposed a project based on the concept of hypertext, to facilitate sharing and updating information among researchers. While there, he built a prototype system called Enquire. He joined Cern on a full-time basis in 1984 as a fellow. In 1989, Cern was the largest internet node in Europe, and Berners-Lee saw an opportunity. “I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect it to the TCP and DNS ideas,” he said, and the worldwide web was born. He used similar ideas to those underlying the Enquire system to create the worldwide web, for which he designed and built the first web browser and editor (called World-wide Web and developed on Nextstep) and the first web server called Hypertext Transfer Protocol Daemon (HTTPD). The first website built was at http://info.cern.ch/ and was put online on 6 August 1991. The URL is still in use today.

In 1994, Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It comprised various companies willing to create standards and recommendations to improve the quality of the web. Berners-Lee made his ideas available freely, with no patent and no royalties due. He is now the director of W3C, a senior researcher at MIT’s CSail, and professor of computer science at Southampton University.

1.2 The Greatest IT People

Steve Jobs, the co-founder and chief executive of Apple Computer, topped the Computer Weekly 40th anniversary poll due to the devoted following he has generated through his pioneering work in personal computing and product design. Jobs was born in 1955 in San Francisco, and during his high school years he showed his early enthusiasm for computing by attending after-school lectures at the Hewlett-Packard Company in Palo Alto, California.

In the autumn of 1974, Jobs, who had dropped out of university after one term, began attending meetings of the Homebrew Computer Club with Steve Wozniak. At the age of 21 Jobs saw a computer that Wozniak had designed for his own use and convinced his friend to market the product. Apple Computer was founded as a partnership on 1 April 1976. Though the initial plan was to sell just printed circuit boards, Jobs and Wozniak ended up creating a batch of completely assembled computers, and entered the personal computer business. Their second machine, the Apple II, was introduced the following year and became a huge success, turning Apple into an important player in the nascent personal computer industry.

In 1983 Apple launched the Lisa, the first PC with a graphical user interface – an essential element in making computing accessible to the masses. It flopped because of its prohibitive price, but the next year Apple launched the distinct, lower priced Macintosh and it became the first commercially successful GUI machine. Despite his success in founding Apple, Jobs left following a boardroom row in 1985. Jobs moved on to found Next Computer. Much of Next’s technology had limited commercial success, but it laid the foundation for future computing developments. Without Jobs, Apple had stumbled. Market share to buy Jobs’ company Next, together with its innovative operating system, and welcome back its charismatic former CEO.

On returning to Apple, Jobs drove the company ever deeper into the consumer electronics and computing market, launching the iMac and iPod. Whether Jobs’ next creation changes the world like the Apple II, or turns out to bomb like the Apple Lisa, his place in computing history is guaranteed.

1.1 National PERMATApintar Center

National PERMATApintar Center is located on the campus of the National University of Malaysia (UKM) Bangi. National PERMATApintar Center aims to be the leading institution in the vanguard of gifted and talented students' needs in the younger niches as people who can contribute to world peace. The main mission of this center is to become a world class leader in the smart and talented education by providing a holistic educational experience for the students concerned.

PERMATApintar UKM Education Program is an educational program that jewels gifted students in Malaysia who was born by a local higher education institution. National University of Malaysia has been entrusted by the Prime Minister to implement the educational program through the National PERMATApintar Center, UKM, was formed in January 2010. This program will commence in 17 January 2011. The first intake of gifted students for this program is a total of 116 students aged 16 years from all over Malaysia who have been through the screening of three tests PERMATApintar UKM1, UKM2 PERMATApintar Test Competency Test and the Mathematics and Science (Test UKM3).

This program focuses on education and learning that is holistic and based on the National Education Philosophy. It also emphasizes the development of physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social balance. Thus, this program will focus on student development philosophy and principles of living a balanced peace in the five aspects mentioned.



Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay.

This is our group outline about the journey in National PERMATApintar Center, National University of Malaysia. National PERMATApintar Center is a collage established to train gifted children. We all study about computer science, so we know about the benefits and importance of information technology in our lives therefore we would like to share the knowledge with the gifted children.