Tuesday 11 December 2012


1. What is information technology in your mind ?
A Computer
B Internet
C Computer Programme
D Other_____________

2. In future, if you get a opportunity to join an IT company,
A You will join directly.
B If the reward is good, you will join.
C If the job not really busy, you will join.
D Just ignore.

3. In your mind, which one is the key factor for someone can be successful in IT field?
A Family background
B A special opportunity
C Knowledge
D Internet

4. Usually, you would use which kind of media to get information about IT?
A During the class
B Magazine
C Internet
D Other_____________

5. With the IT development .what is the most useful produce for you?
A Online game or Online shopping
B The powerful software .
C Social networks
D Other_____________

Answer the following question.
1. Which aspect of Information technology is your aspire?
2. In your opinion, what is the trend of IT development?

Future of IT

In the Future, We Will Wear the Internet
We all love the movie Matrix and the Holodeck and the question is when will be able to enter a room and create this imaginary scenarios so realistic that it seems as if its really there. It turns out that scientists are making progress in that direction even as we speak .First of all,in the future the internet will be in your contact lens,you will blink and you will go on line,
Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality head-mounted display
you will see individuals and their biography will appear and subtitles will appear if they speak in chineese, so you will always know who you are talking to and what they are saying even if they speak in a different language.If you have internet contact lenses then you can imagine bizzare universes ,just like matrix you can be in an alien environment you can have all sorts of wonderous things take place inside your contact lens but then the trick is what happens if you move? what happens if you touch things ?Well the military has constructed something called Omnidirectional treadmills,it’s a treadmill in any direction.You are surrounded by 360 degree screens showing the image of Bagdad and then as you walk you can walk at any direction and always wind up in the same place but as you move every thing around you move ,the streets of Bagdad change every time you run at any direction the last thing that’s missing is a sense of touch ,that’s where haptic technology comes in.
Haptic technology is the ability  to create  the feel of a virtual reality ,now how does that work?lets say you have a platform with thousands of vertical pins such that when you put your hand on this platform the pins then conform to the fingers cause each pin is governed by  a computer ,therefor if you put your hands on a set of pins you can duplicate any texture that you want so in some sense if you are surrounded by these haptic devices you ll be able to touch objects and think that you are actually touching skin or touching wood or touching metal

and then you have the internet contact lens and then you are surrounded by 360 degree screens with an omnidirectional treadmill you are getting  very  close to the matrix.

From one of Prof. Michio Kaku lectures











In preparation for becoming a developed nation, Malaysia needs more expert’s scientists, technocrats, thinkers, and Nobel Laureate in the future to prepare for the challenges unthinkable by today's society. At the center, students are trained not to increase academic performance alone, they were given various inputs to produce a perfect human being, individual superior academic achievement as well as to use specific knowledge, "technical know-how/expertise" and a variety of experiences available to contribute to the well being and success.